A few winters ago I participated in the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) with the idea that over the month of November I would compete to write a 50,000 word first draft of a novel. I completed the draft with a few words to spare and was happy to be done.
This year, for some absurd reason I feel like I should be trying it again. I have no novel outline, I don’t have a vaguest idea of a plot and I certainly don’t have the time. After all I’m a full time student and the work load for November is already looking unbelievable. And I do have the Tiny TerroristsTM to tend to.
So why do I have this nagging desire to start writing again? It’s not that I’m not being creative. I am majoring in art for god’s sake.
But there it is, I can’t deny it, I’m hungering for the feeling of keys under my fingers and worlds spinning out from my imagination. There is something there that I can’t shake. I really need to write and the more that I try to push it away the less I want to do of my other work.
I know that I cannot complete the NaNoWriMo, but I am going to try and get a few creative bits out of my system before the end of the year. After all there are some lovely writing contests to enter in the new year, and it would be great to have a short story (or two ) to fling at them.
Meanwhile there are still several assignments waiting for my attention.