Sometimes when life kicks into high gear all you can do is fasten your seatbelt and go along for the ride.
Our household is temporarily expanding by two kids. One big enough to help, one so little as to be no help at all, and he's a whirlwind of activity too. I know that my kids are super excited to have their cousins visiting, and I am too. I love those kids just like my own.
Our house, that we keep saying is too small, is going to feel a lot smaller, and be a lot louder too.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up the blog updates. I'm already behind this week(month/year!) but determined that over the 48 hours I"ll get a bunch of blogs set up to post with updates for the 365 Days of Art to post at least over the weekend.
The fun part of this is going to be experiencing a toddler again. My husband and I keep saying how much we miss the days when the girls were little. I think we are going to find out if we really do or not!
So, fasten your seatbelts, make sure tables are in the upright position, we are about to take off!