There is getting away from it all, and really getting away.
We took the trailer and camped out, and chose to get away without the electronic clutter that we keep around us all the time.
As a result I got to think more, instead of reacting to things, and create more on paper instead of creating with electrons on the screen.
I took my travel easel with me and did some painting at the campground. I didn't take it hiking (it's just too darn heavy to to drag for kilometers uphill). I did do some painting on site when we hiked and lots of drawing too. If you stay tuned in a while I'll catch up to those days for the 365 Days of Art and show you the things I made.
Meanwhile I still have to clean out the trailer, and wash all the smokey clothes and drink coffee out of a china cup with a nice cookie on the side.
I also have lots of work to catch up on and send out for The Postcard Project. You might want to check that out this week and see what's up.
Wait, can you hear that... it's the coffee pot calling my name!