I have been thinking a lot about how to firm up my skills as an artist. How to get myself to that next level that I feel I'm on the edge of. I feel excited and frustrated at the same time. There is so much that I want to do, so many ideas that I have that I need to capture in some form, and so much I still want to learn.
I've decided to make a commitment to myself starting today. One hour of art a day, with at least 30 minutes of sketching every day for 365 days. It's time for me to start a visual diary in my sketchbook, and try to improve my skills in that way.
So here are my rules:
- Art time is 1 hour continuously. Not 20 minutes at a time or anything like that . It's working on drawing or a combination of drawing and painting for an hour.
- No carry overs. If I do more than an hour one day I can't carry it over to the next. It's just bonus time.
- Sketching comes first and at least 30 minutes of it. After that I can experiment, paint, what ever, but the drawing comes first.
- I will document the days (assuming I have internet access) on my blog.
I know that it's not going to be easy... sometimes my hour is going to be late at night, sometimes it's going to be early in the morning, and over the summer, taming the tiny terrorists is going to a challenge so I can get my time in, but I am determined that I will get the time. I may not be able to post what I have done every day, I will have times when I won't have access to a computer, but I will post what I can as often as I can.
Here is my challenge to you. Challenge yourself to a big difficult goal in your creative life. You can participate in mine if you want. In fact if you do let me know and I'll link your blog to mine and we can share the journey.
Or you can follow my progress at my 365 Squidoo lens.